The interview with Adam Malamed, CEO of Sanctuary Wealth, by Financial Advisor covers various aspects of his leadership and the firm’s strategic direction.

In a recent interview, Adam Malamed, the CEO of Sanctuary Wealth, shared insights into his first year leading the company. Adam embarked on a comprehensive road tour to meet partner firms, advisors, and employees, conducting surveys to gather insights. Sanctuary Wealth aims for organic growth, targeting 200 to 250 partner firms within five years, with a vision to triple the asset base.
Adam also highlights the industry’s evolving landscape in this interview, emphasizing the importance of embracing technological advancements, particularly AI, for improved productivity. Sanctuary Wealth is set on consulting with partner firms, focusing on strategic business planning, and adapting to industry changes. Adam expresses his excitement about leading a team dedicated to the greater good of the industry, emphasizing the social impact financial advisors have on individuals and communities.